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Luma Yoga For Life
Luma founder Erin Renny on yoga and longevity: "I won't promise you'll live longer with yoga. No one can promise that. But your life will be healthier, less stressful, and more physically in tune…
Advanced Pilates & Yoga (Strength)
No equipment needed. Advanced Pilates & Yoga (Strength) is a muscle-defining program that employs balance, cardio and flexibility movements with plyometric and body-weight based exercises for an…
Solo Power Circuit
Many contemporary exercise trends sacrifice form and precision in favor of reps and "PR" goals. Luma's Solo Power Circuit teaches techniques to keep you safe. But don't think you'll get off easily:…
Yoga Adventure
The practices on this downloadable training video are recommended only for experienced to advanced students. Those with the fundamental skills needed won't want to miss the insight and advice from…
LifeLong Fitness IV
The instructors and routines featured in LifeLong Fitness IV provide safe options to serve all types of physical conditions and abilities. Range of motion, body awareness and breathing practices are…
Beginner's Yoga
The most difficult yoga poses to master are the ones learned incorrectly as a beginner. Luma's Beginner's Yoga is a fantastic way to break into your initial yoga session and begin the journey to a…
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