
  1. September 18, 2017

    Even Nonrebels Will Want to Go Punk

    Life is tough when you’re incapable of ordering swimwear online because you don’t know how it’s going to fit or look - and, well, we get you. With a million-and-one options out there, it feels close to impossible to choose. Not that we ever…
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  2. September 18, 2017

    Even Nonrebels Will Want to Go Punk

    Life is tough when you’re incapable of ordering swimwear online because you don’t know how it’s going to fit or look - and, well, we get you. With a million-and-one options out there, it feels close to impossible to choose. Not that we ever…
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  3. October 06, 2016

    Jewelry for the Warrior Woman

    Gorgeous jewelry blogger Becky Stone has wonderful timing with her story about “the Warrior Woman” in InDesign Jewelry‘s fall edition. As Becky writes, “The Warrior Woman is a power player and she knows…
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  4. October 06, 2016

    RuPaul Rules

    I’ve been a fan of RuPaul — Nicki Minaj’s real inspiration — since “Supermodel” in 1993. I mean, a song that shouts out my beloved Linda Evangelista? After that, when RuPaul told me, “You better…
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  5. October 06, 2016

    Jewelry Inspired

    A big thank you to Jennifer Heebner from the jewelry trade publication JCK for including me in her post about jewelry inspired by customers. I’ve told the story of “Mud Flap Jill” on the blog before, but that was a long time…
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